World Cities was a project of the European Union managed by the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) of the European Commission. The project was implemented from 2015 – 2018 and originated in a Preparatory Action of the European Parliament to promote the exchange of experience and best practice between the European Union and non-EU countries on the theme of territorial development with particular reference to urban development, urban-rural partnership and urban cross-border cooperation. The project results were mainstreamed into the International Urban Cooperation (IUC) programme of the European Union.
The thematic area covered by the project was sustainable urban development, including - among others - smart city, circular economy, waste management, flood management, nature-based solutions, green infrastructure, mobility, tactical urbanism, and innovation ecosystems.
Republic of Korea and Australia (Ramboll contract). China, India, Indonesia, Vietnam and South Africa (GIZ International Services)
As a subcontractor, EU Consulta was commissioned with the project coordination, deployment of experts, communication, event organization and twinning activities between cities from EU and non-EU countries.